Your chosen style of Photo Booth | 2 hours | 3 hours | 4 hours |
Delivery, Set-up & Permanent, Uniformed Booth Attendant |  |  |  |
One set of Instant prints in Colour or Black & White |  |  |  |
Unlimited guest visits to photo booth |  |  |  |
Funky Props & Dress-ups for all tastes |  |  |  |
Black, White or Red backdrop |  |  |  |
Exclusive & Unique ‘LoZone’ camera |  |  |  |
Facebook Upload of your images to share |  |  |  |
A lot of Laughs & Giggles, Fun & Memories |  |  |  |
Bespoke text on prints | |  |  |
Choice of 1-up or 4-up printing | |  |  |
Choice of Black & White or Full Colour Instant Prints | |  |  |
Stylish Photo Album / Guest book for you to keep | |  |  |
Additional 2nd set of prints | |  |  |
USB of all your image Montages | | |  |
Custom Design & Artwork on prints | | |  |
Immersive Green Screen ‘Chroma-key’ backdrop | | |  |
Custom backdrop images, themes and artwork design | | |  |